Are you already pregnant or do you still have water belly? Risks & side effects of a water challenge. (May contain traces of advertising.)
M With narrow eyes, my girlfriend bends over to me confidentially. "Come on, you can tell me ..." I'm confused. "Say what?" I look at her. She smiles conspiratorially. "Well, that with your project !". She emphasizes the last word strikingly and winks. Apparently I'm just totally on the hose. I try to gain time, carefully unfold the napkin and place it lavishly on my lap. How to sit in the window niche for only two minutes at my favorite lunch Italian and look at the day ticket. My stomach growls and I am not prepared for inquisitorial questioning.
Practically, the waiter appears at this moment and saves me from my mental impasse. He places a huge glass of white wine spritzer and ice cubes in front of me. "Signora - the spritzer. As always! "He winks at me. My goodness, today seems to be the international day of winks. My eye is already twitching nervously. And now the man brings me even without being asked a spritzer. He is always so proud that he can fulfill the wishes of his regular guests without any order. And otherwise I always drink Schorle. Not today. I have water churning - for a week I forego softs, coffee and drinks and only drink mineral water.
"Um, that's very nice of you - but today I only drink water," I whisper to the waiter , "Water ... Acqua. Si, si, Signora. Is with Acqua. As always! "The man radiates. "Yes. Um. You know - today I would like to have only mineral water. No wine. "The Italian smile slips. Clear. A stern look hits me. "No wine. Only Acqua. "This is more a statement than a question. "Exactly!" For a change, I'm beaming at him. But the man is hit in his waitress honor. With a devastating look he takes our order, tears the glass with the spritzer from the table, turns around and disappears behind the counter. I messed up his service. How dare I just change the rules !? I give him a beaming smile over the counter, but it breaks off. Phew. I disappear briefly on the toilet. When I come back my mineral water is on the table.
"That's exactly what I mean," my girlfriend says. "Huh?" She bends over to me again. "Well. The thing with the water. Well, of course, we all noticed that you only drink water now. And we've been wondering for some time, when it will finally be time again. "-" Listen! That is a bit over the top. I did not drink that much! At noon a spritzer ... so! "I am outraged. Are some friends behind my back ripping open my mouth about my drinking?
"Nah. That was not all. But it's better, you do without it. I also have the impression you can see a bit! "She points joyfully to my stomach area. "Even if the thing with the toilet is of course annoying."
I'm a little reconciled again. In fact, I also have the impression that I lost a kilo or two in the last week. Drinking only water saves calories and I also imagine that I had less cravings for snacks and co. The only downside is that if you drink more than two liters of soda every day, you often have to go.
"What does your son say about that?" My friend wants to know, surprisingly. I hesitate for a moment. My son does not care about the bean for what I drink and how often I go to the bathroom. "Oh, he's pretty indifferent," I say. "Indeed?"We have definitely been all very happy! And what's the name of the project ? Again, that weird emphasis. "What, what's that supposed to mean? It's called Project Water Week. Always! "The waiter served our food quite cool. My girlfriend picks up the silverware. "Well. OK. I understand that you do not want to say the name yet. Incidentally, I bet that it will be a girl. And now get in there - you have to eat for two now. "
The fork falls out of my hand.
" Bon appetit! ", My girlfriend beams.
Warnings: In the phasing out of your usual drinking habits, weight loss and decreased appetite for sweet and savory snacks can be very common. Frequently, more urinary frequency is noted. Special concomitants with relatives, waiters, friends and other people can not be completely outlawed. In very rare cases rumors of pregnancy have been reported.